Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Conserving Land

By applying these measures to solve land constraint, we are also polluting the environment at the same time. There have been countless cases of pollution all around the world and they have brought numerous problems along with them. Even when not leaving Singapore, this little red dot on the map, we can still see evidences of pollution. For example, when Indonesia has an outbreak of forest fires, Singapore would become hazy and foggy. We can smell smoke in the air as well. Also, when pollution happens, we are also contributing to global warming, which would result in a rise in sea level due to melting ice-caps as well as a slight increase in temperature. Now, you may think, 'Aiyah, Singapore so hot already, hot little bit never mind one lah!' (My apologies for the use of Singlish, I was trying to illustrate how Singaporeans would usually phrase it). However, essentially, the point I am trying to prove is still the same. Although Singapore has a tropical climate and most people would usually brush the extra temperature off, what if the temperature increases every year? For example, if in 2008, the average temperature is 27.5 degree Celsius, 2009, 28.2 degree Celsius, 2010, 28.7 degree Celsius, and so on and so forth... If the temperature increases every year, no matter how subtle, we can go from 26 degree Celsius to maybe even 30 degree Celsius in the future!

Click on the link below to read the article 'Singapore sees record high temperatures in 2008':,singapore-sees-record-high-temperatures-in-2008.html

Here are some ways we can help to save the Earth:
  • Careful use of land resources to minimise damage to the environment.
  • Creating nature reserves and national parks so as to keep these are for future generations.
  • Limiting forests clearing to prevent global warming.
  • Declaring certain land as green lungs in housing areas to create breathing space and a less crowded environment.

I will be talking about the 2nd and 4th point and elaborating on them. Besides having green lungs in housing areas such as open-air fields and community parks, there are also others which can be classified as green lungs - our nature reserves and parks! To name a few commonly-heard ones, there is Bukit Timah Nature Reserve, Lower and Upper Peirce Reservoir Park, Sungei Buloh Wetland Reserve, coastal parks, nature parks and botanic gardens. (I will be posting pictures of them in the next post, look out for them!)

Interesting (and shocking) fact: Scientists calculated and predicted that if the Earth's average temperature increases by another 6 degrees, all the ice-caps would have already melted and submerged the entire Earth (like in 2012, the movie, only infinitely worse since it is happening for real).

Here is a link to a video, called 'Global Warming 101'. Click on the link below, scroll down and look to the left hand side, click on the 'Global Warming' link that is under the heading 'Environment Videos', scroll down and click on the video titled 'Global Warming 101' to watch it (Sorry for any inconvenience caused while getting to the video):

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