Wednesday, April 7, 2010


Change is inevitable and cannot be avoided. Take 20 years ago, for instance, in the 1990s. Were there things such as portable laptops, mp3s, iPads, iPhones and other forms of technology that we are able to enjoy and take advantage of today? Of course not! And these aren't the only things that can change, there are technology and medical advances, political situations, countries all around the globe, or, as this is our topic, environmental change.

As countries' economy and population grows, they become more competitive and require more resources as well. For example, fuel, electricity, water, food and land. While obtaining these valuable resources, however, they are actually also polluting the environment and stripping it of its resources.

There is no win-win or lose-lose situations when change is involved. There is only a win-lose situation, in which we, mankind, are the 'winners' and the environment are the 'losers'. Or is that so? Perhaps, when the environment 'loses', we are losing the battle at the same time too. Why do I say this? When we harm the environment, we are actually indirectly harming ourselves in the long run. Although we might not be the ones who will suffer the consequences, but by dooming the future, we are condemning the future generation to a similiar fate.

All humans are responsible for the change. Even by doing NOTHING, we are also responsible for it, as we are doing nothing about it but just standing back waiting for this time-bomb to explode. The question is: when the bomb explodes, can we run away from it?

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